TITAN was developed by the
GIS Team in the Information Technology Department
It is intended to be used by City of Norfolk employees and citizens as a resource to increase awareness of
coastal flooding impacts throughout the City.
Tidal flooding depicted in the application represents local tide water levels throughout the City based on
adjustments relative to the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Tide Gauge 8638610 at
Sewells Point, Virginia located in Norfolk. Water level relationships to Sewells Point observations are based
on a 2009-2010 tide gauge program contracted through the City Stormwater Division of the Public Works Department.
Actual flooding during storm events will likely be more extensive than shown on TITAN if combined
with rainfall. Additionally, areas not showing flooding caused by tidal events may flood solely from rainfall during
a storm. In no event will the City of Norfolk be liable for any damages including: loss of data, lost profits,
business interruption, loss of business information or other pecuniary loss that might arise from the use of this
application or the information it contains. This application is for general information only and shall not be used
for the design, modification, or construction of improvement to real property or flood plain determination.
Fade Water Level